Engaging effectively with others requires serious thinking for ourselves. What is a Christian worldview? What is a biblical perspective on today’s big questions? What does it mean for Christ to be Creator and Lord of all?
The Cambridge Christian Study Centre in the north aisle of the Round Church serves postgraduate and undergraduate students at Cambridge University in partnership with CICCU, CGS, UCCF and IFES.
Christian academics have a special opportunity as public (pre-)evangelistic speakers following the example of John Lennox. Since every academic field belongs to Christ, each can be unfolded in a way that naturally introduces the gospel.
The FEUER Academic Speakers’ Network is part of the Fellowship of Evangelists in the Universities of Europe, founded by Lindsay Brown. The Europe-wide conference gathers annually on the Continent each autumn.
Its UK network meets in parallel with the Cambridge Apologetics summer conference, sharing logistics and plenary speakers, and feeding into UCCF’s university events weeks strategy.
We want to learn by doing. “Apologetics” can too easily become an in-house talking shop for Christians. So we work closely with our sister ministries and provide opportunities to put it all into practice engaging today’s sceptics.
The Round Church Visitor Centre offers tourists an exhibition and guided walk of Cambridge demonstrating the contribution of Christianity to the history of Cambridge and the West.