Give via your bank
If you are a UK taxpayer, we receive an additional 25% for your donation if you give with Gift Aid. The Foundations Trust is a registered charity (no. 1076750). To give with Gift Aid, please send us a completed declaration form.
Give Online
You may give a one-time gift or set up a recurring donation through Stewardship and PayPal.
Give by post (UK address)
Giving by post is easy, please just send a cheque payable to The Foundations Trust to:
Round Church Vestry
Bridge Street
Please fill in and send us a Gift Aid form if you are giving to us for the first time.
Be sure to include your address so we can send you a receipt and a thank you! If you would like an email receipt, please include your email address.
For all donations, please be sure to note whether you would like to designate your gift for the support of a specific person or project.
Give via your bank or post
Please make cheques payable to Leading Edge International. In the memo field add ‘The Foundations Trust’, noting whether you would like to designate your gift for the support of a specific person, and mail cheques to:
Leading Edge International
PO Box 27
Strasburg, Ohio 44680
Alternatively, you may make donations via your bank direct to Leading Edge International’s bank as follows, adding ‘Foundations Trust’ as the payment reference:
Leading Edge International is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, so if you are a US resident donations are tax-deductible. Please include your address so we can send you a receipt and a thank you, and so Leading Edge International can send you a year-end receipt for your tax records. If you would like an email receipt, please also be sure to include your email address.
If you have any questions or if you require additional information, simply email our Leading Edge International representative here, or email us at